how to keep birds out of carport

Birds are beautiful creatures, but when they decide to make your carport their home, they can become a nuisance. The problem of birds nesting in carports is more common than you might think. Birds, especially those that nest in colonies, are attracted to the sheltered, safe spaces that carports provide. However, their presence can lead to a host of issues, from noise and mess to potential damage to your property and vehicles. Therefore, it’s crucial to address this issue promptly and effectively.

What Attracts Birds to Your Carport

Understanding what draws birds to your carport is the first step in keeping them away. Carports, with their open design and high rafters, provide an ideal environment for birds. They offer shelter from the elements, protection from predators, and a safe place to build nests and raise young ones.

Several factors can make your carport particularly attractive to birds. These include the availability of food and water sources nearby, the presence of trees or shrubs, and the relative quiet and safety of the area.

If your carport is regularly used and disturbed, birds may be less likely to settle there. However, if it’s quiet and undisturbed for much of the day, it can become an inviting nesting site.

The potential dangers and inconveniences caused by birds nesting in carports should not be underestimated. Birds and their droppings can carry diseases that are harmful to humans and pets.

Their nests can block gutters, causing water damage, and they can cause other structural damage by pecking at wood and other materials. Furthermore, birds can be noisy, especially in the early morning, and their droppings can damage car paintwork and create a mess that needs regular cleaning.

In the next sections, we’ll explore various methods to deter these unwanted guests and reclaim your carport.

Different Ways to Keep Birds Out of Carports

There are several effective methods to deter birds from nesting in your carport. Here, we’ll discuss three of the most common strategies: eliminating food supply, installing bird netting, and using methyl anthranilate.

Eliminate Food Supply

One of the most straightforward ways to deter birds from your carport is to eliminate their food supply. Birds are attracted to areas where food is readily available. This could be in the form of bird feeders, open garbage cans, or even pet food left outside. By removing these food sources or ensuring they are securely covered, you can make your carport less appealing to birds.

Install Bird Netting

Bird netting is a popular and effective method for keeping birds out of specific areas. This is a type of net made from durable, weather-resistant material that can be installed to cover the open areas of your carport. The netting acts as a physical barrier, preventing birds from entering the space and nesting.

The main advantage of bird netting is its effectiveness. When properly installed, it can provide a near-100% success rate in keeping birds away. It’s also relatively inexpensive and can be installed without professional help.

However, bird netting does have a few downsides. It may detract from the aesthetic appeal of your carport, and it requires regular maintenance to ensure it remains effective. Birds can sometimes become entangled in the netting, which can lead to injury or death, so it’s essential to choose netting with a mesh size that prevents this.

Use Methyl Anthranilate

Methyl anthranilate is a substance that’s often used as a bird deterrent. It’s a grape-flavored compound that’s used in many food products, but birds find the smell and taste unpleasant.

When used as a bird deterrent, methyl anthranilate can be sprayed in the carport area. The unpleasant taste and smell deter birds from nesting in the treated areas. It’s a humane method of bird control as it doesn’t harm the birds; it merely encourages them to find somewhere else to nest.

The advantage of using methyl anthranilate is that it’s a non-toxic, environmentally friendly solution. It’s also easy to apply and can be effective in deterring a wide range of bird species.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The effects of methyl anthranilate can be temporary, and regular reapplication may be necessary, especially after rain. Some people may also find the grape-like smell unpleasant.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that while methyl anthranilate is safe for most birds, it can be harmful to some species of bats, so it’s essential to consider this if bats are present in your area.

Implementing Bird Deterrents

Apart from eliminating food sources, installing bird netting, and using methyl anthranilate, there are other effective bird deterrents that you can implement. These include using reflective objects and fake predators.

Using Reflective Objects

Birds are known to be scared off by shiny, reflective objects that move in the wind. The movement and reflections can disorient them and make them uncomfortable, deterring them from nesting in your carport.

There are many types of reflective objects you can use. One of the most common is old CDs or DVDs. You can hang these from the ceiling of your carport or from nearby trees.

The light reflected from these objects can scare birds away. Other reflective objects that can be used include aluminum foil, reflective tape, or even metallic balloons. The key is to ensure these objects can move freely and catch the light, creating the reflections that deter the birds.

Using Fake Predators

Another effective method to keep birds away from your carport is the use of fake predators. Birds have natural predators, and they are programmed to avoid areas where these predators are present.

You can take advantage of this by placing objects that resemble these predators in and around your carport. For example, fake owls or rubber snakes can be very effective. These objects can be placed in visible locations around your carport to scare off birds.

Remember, for this method to be effective, you may need to move the fake predators around from time to time. Birds are smart, and they may realize the predator is fake if it stays in the same place for too long. By moving the objects around, you can keep the birds guessing and deter them from nesting in your carport.

Preventive Measures

In addition to the methods discussed above, there are preventive measures you can take to make your carport less appealing to birds.

Non-Stick Surfaces

Birds prefer surfaces where they can easily land, perch, and build their nests. By making these surfaces slippery or non-stick, you can discourage birds from nesting in your carport. There are several substances you can use to create non-stick surfaces, including certain types of paint and sprays. For example, anti-roosting spike strips can be installed on ledges and other areas where birds like to perch. These strips are not harmful to birds, but they make it uncomfortable for them to land.

Noise Deterrents

Birds are sensitive to noise, and certain sounds can effectively deter them. Noise deterrents can range from commercially available ultrasonic bird repellers to homemade solutions like wind chimes or even a radio playing in the carport. Remember, the goal is not to harm the birds but to make the environment uncomfortable for them.


Keeping birds out of your carport can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, it’s certainly achievable. By understanding what attracts birds to your carport and implementing effective deterrents like bird netting, methyl anthranilate, reflective objects, and fake predators, you can keep your carport bird-free.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure. So, take steps to make your carport less appealing to birds by eliminating food sources, using non-stick surfaces, and noise deterrents.

We encourage you to try out these solutions and preventive measures to protect your carport from unwanted bird guests. With patience and persistence, you can reclaim your carport and keep it clean and peaceful.


Q: How do you keep birds out of metal carports? A: The methods discussed in this article, such as using bird netting, methyl anthranilate, reflective objects, fake predators, non-stick surfaces, and noise deterrents, can be effective for metal carports.

Q: What is the best deterrent for birds? A: The best deterrent can vary depending on the specific situation and type of bird. However, bird netting and methyl anthranilate are often very effective.

Q: How does aluminum foil keep birds away? A: Aluminum foil can deter birds due to its reflective properties. When it moves in the wind, it creates reflections and noise that can scare birds away.

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