How to Attract Woodpeckers to Your Yard?

Woodpeckers are fascinating creatures, known for their unique ability to peck at tree trunks in search of insects.

These birds play a crucial role in our ecosystem, helping control pest populations and even aiding in the decomposition of dead trees.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to attract these interesting birds to your yard.

Know Your Woodpeckers

There are numerous species of woodpeckers found across North America and Europe. Each species has its unique characteristics, making them a delight for bird watchers.

For instance, the Downy Woodpecker, common in North America, is small and agile with a distinctive white underside.

On the other hand, the Great Spotted Woodpecker, found across Europe and northern Asia, is known for its striking black and white feathers and red underparts.

Understanding the different species of woodpeckers is the first step in attracting them to your yard.

By knowing their habits and preferences, you can create a welcoming environment for these birds.

What Attracts Woodpeckers to Your Yard

Woodpeckers are attracted to yards that mimic their natural habitat. Here are some factors that can make your yard appealing to them:

  • Good nesting and cover places: Woodpeckers are cavity-nesters, meaning they carve out holes in trees to nest and take cover. Leaving dead trees or installing birdhouses can provide these birds with the shelter they need.
  • Water supply: Like all birds, woodpeckers need a consistent water supply. A bird bath or a shallow dish of water can serve as a great water source for them.
  • Right foods: Woodpeckers primarily feed on insects, but they also enjoy nuts, berries, and seeds. Offering these foods in your yard can attract a variety of woodpecker species. Suet, a high-energy food made from fat, is particularly loved by woodpeckers.

By incorporating these elements into your yard, you can create a haven for woodpeckers and enjoy the beauty and benefits these birds bring.

The Importance of Feeders in Attracting Woodpeckers

Bird feeders play a crucial role in attracting woodpeckers to your yard. These feeders provide a reliable and safe source of food for these birds, encouraging them to visit your yard regularly.

There are several types of feeders suitable for woodpeckers:

  • Suet Feeders: These are specially designed to hold suet cakes, a favorite food of woodpeckers. They are typically cage-like structures that allow woodpeckers to cling and feed.
  • Hopper Feeders: These feeders can hold a variety of foods, including seeds and nuts, attracting a wide range of woodpecker species.
  • Platform Feeders: These open feeders can accommodate larger woodpecker species and can hold different types of food.

Choosing the right feeder depends on the species of woodpeckers in your area and the type of food you plan to offer. It’s also important to consider the feeder’s durability and ease of cleaning.

The Role of Food in Attracting Woodpeckers

The type of food you offer in your yard can significantly influence the variety of woodpeckers you attract. Woodpeckers are primarily insectivores, but they also enjoy a variety of other foods.

Here are some foods that attract woodpeckers:

  • Insects: Live or dried insects such as mealworms can attract woodpeckers.
  • Suet: This is a high-energy food made from fat, often mixed with seeds, berries, or nuts. Suet cakes are particularly attractive to woodpeckers.
  • Seeds and Nuts: Foods like sunflower seeds, peanuts, and tree nuts are enjoyed by many woodpecker species.
  • Fruit: Some woodpeckers, like the Red-bellied Woodpecker, are attracted to fresh fruit.

Choosing the right food involves understanding the preferences of the woodpecker species in your area. Offering a variety of foods can also help attract a diverse range of woodpecker species to your yard.

How to Set Up Your Yard to Attract Woodpeckers

Creating a woodpecker-friendly yard involves more than just providing food. It’s about creating a habitat that meets all their needs, from nesting to water supply.

  • Providing Nesting and Cover Places: Woodpeckers are cavity-nesters, meaning they carve out holes in trees for nesting and cover. If you have dead or dying trees in your yard that are safe to leave standing, they can serve as excellent nesting sites for woodpeckers. Alternatively, you can install birdhouses designed for woodpeckers. These birdhouses should have the right hole size for the species you’re trying to attract.
  • Setting Up a Water Supply: Water is essential for all birds, including woodpeckers. A bird bath or a shallow dish of water can serve as a great water source. Ensure the water is clean and fresh, changing it regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.

By providing these essential elements, you can make your yard a haven for woodpeckers, contributing to bird conservation while enjoying bird watching right in your backyard.

How to Use Feeders to Attract Woodpeckers

Bird feeders are an excellent way to attract woodpeckers and other birds to your yard. Here’s how to set up and maintain feeders for woodpeckers:

  • Setting Up Feeders: Choose a quiet and safe location for your feeders, preferably near trees or shrubs where woodpeckers can take cover. The feeder should be high enough to keep the birds safe from predators. If you’re using multiple feeders, space them out to prevent overcrowding.
  • Maintaining Feeders: Regular maintenance of bird feeders is crucial for the health of the birds. Clean the feeders regularly to prevent the spread of diseases. Refill the feeders as needed, ensuring the food is fresh and safe for the birds to consume.

By setting up and maintaining bird feeders properly, you can attract a variety of woodpeckers to your yard, providing endless opportunities for bird watching and photography.

How to Use Food to Attract Woodpeckers

The food you offer can significantly influence the variety of woodpeckers you attract. Here’s how to prepare and serve food for woodpeckers:

  • Preparing the Food: Woodpeckers enjoy a variety of foods, including insects, suet, seeds, nuts, and fruit. You can purchase suet cakes from pet stores or make your own by mixing fat with seeds, nuts, or berries. If you’re offering insects like mealworms, you can buy them dried or live from pet stores.
  • Serving the Food: Serve the food in feeders that are suitable for woodpeckers. Suet cakes can be placed in suet feeders, while seeds and nuts can be offered in hopper or platform feeders. If you’re offering fruit, you can place it on a platform feeder or skewer it on a tree branch.

By offering a variety of foods and serving them in the right way, you can attract a diverse range of woodpecker species to your yard.


Where is the best place to put a woodpecker feeder?

The best place to put a woodpecker feeder is near trees or shrubs where woodpeckers can take cover. The feeder should be high enough to keep the birds safe from predators.

Do woodpeckers use bird feeders?

Yes, woodpeckers do use bird feeders. They are particularly attracted to suet feeders, but they will also use hopper and platform feeders.

How do you attract red-headed woodpeckers?

Red-headed woodpeckers are attracted to the same things as other woodpeckers – good nesting and cover places, water, and food. They particularly enjoy eating insects, seeds, nuts, and fruit.

What is the best way to feed woodpeckers?

The best way to feed woodpeckers is to offer a variety of foods in suitable feeders. This can include suet, insects, seeds, nuts, and fruit.

Final thoughts

Attracting woodpeckers to your yard can be a rewarding experience, providing endless opportunities for bird watching and photography.

By understanding the needs and preferences of woodpeckers, providing the right habitat, and offering a variety of foods, you can create a haven for these fascinating birds right in your backyard.

Remember, attracting birds is not just about providing food but creating a safe and welcoming environment for them. Happy bird watching!

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