Do Birds Eat Strawberries: Sweet or Sour

Have you ever spotted a bird-eyeing your freshly picked strawberries in the garden?

As a nature enthusiast, you may wonder, “Do birds eat strawberries?” The answer is not a simple yes or no. Here, we will explore the intriguing world of birds and strawberries.

The Short Answer

Yes, birds do eat strawberries. However, not all birds are interested in this sweet fruit.

Birds Eat Strawberries

Why Do Birds Eat Strawberries?

Birds are opportunistic feeders, and they are attracted to brightly colored fruits, including strawberries.

The bright red color of ripe strawberries signals to birds that they are sweet and ready to eat.

In addition, strawberries are a good source of nutrients, such as vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants.

Birds need a varied diet to survive and thrive, and strawberries can provide a tasty and nutritious snack.

What Types of Birds Eat Strawberries?

Not all birds eat strawberries, but several species do. The most common birds that eat strawberries include:

American Robin

The American Robin is a common backyard bird in North America. These birds are known for their red breast and beautiful song.

They are also fruit lovers and will eat strawberries, especially during the summer months.

Cedar Waxwing

The Cedar Waxwing is a stunning bird with a distinctive crest and yellow-tipped tail feathers.

They are known for their love of fruit, including strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Cedar Waxwings are also social birds and will often eat fruit together in flocks.

House Finch

The House Finch is a small bird with a bright red head and breasts. These birds are common in urban and suburban areas and can often be found in backyard bird feeders.

House Finches are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including strawberries.

European Starling

The European Starling is a controversial bird in North America because it is an invasive species.

However, these birds are excellent at foraging for food, and they will eat strawberries if they are available.

Other Birds

Other birds that may eat strawberries include Blue Jays, Gray Catbirds, Northern Mockingbirds, and Eastern Towhees.

can birds eat strawberries

How Do Birds Eat Strawberries?

Birds eat strawberries in different ways depending on their beak shape and size.

For example, American Robins have a long, thin beak that they use to pluck fruit from the plant.

Cedar Waxwings have a shorter, wider beak that allows them to crush the fruit and swallow it whole.

House Finches have a conical beak that they use to pick up the fruit and crush it before eating.

Do Birds Harm Strawberry Plants?

While birds do eat strawberries, they are not likely to cause significant damage to the plants.

Birds typically eat only a few strawberries at a time, and they will move on to other food sources once they have had their fill.

However, if you have a large flock of birds in your garden, they may eat more than their fair share of strawberries.

How to Protect Your Strawberries from Birds

If you want to protect your strawberries from birds, there are several strategies you can try:


Bird netting is a popular method for protecting fruit trees and bushes from birds. You can buy bird netting at most garden centers and home improvement stores.

Simply drape the netting over your strawberry plants to keep birds from eating the fruit.

Scare Tactics

Some gardeners use scare tactics to keep birds away from their plants.

For example, you can hang reflective tape or old CDs near your strawberry plants to create a flashing effect that will scare birds away.

You can also install scarecrows or fake predators like owls or hawks to deter birds.

Alternative Food Sources

If you want to keep birds away from your strawberries without using physical barriers or scare tactics, you can provide alternative food sources for the birds.

For example, you can set up a bird feeder in another part of your yard and fill it with seeds or suet. This will attract birds away from your strawberries and provide them with a food source.

Birds can safely enjoy both strawberries and watermelon as a treat. Offer them in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Final thoughts

Birds do eat strawberries, but not all birds are interested in this fruit.

American Robins, Cedar Waxwings, House Finches, and European Starlings are some of the birds that may eat strawberries.

Birds eat strawberries in different ways depending on their beak shape and size.

While birds are unlikely to cause significant damage to strawberry plants, they may eat more than their fair share if there is a large flock in your garden.

You can protect your strawberries from birds by using netting, scare tactics, or alternative food sources.

With these strategies, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor without sharing them with the birds.

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