Are Birds Omnivores or Not?

Birds are fascinating creatures with diverse feeding habits, and one question that comes to mind when discussing their diet is whether they are omnivores or not.

The short answer is yes; birds are omnivores, and in this article, we will explore what this means, what omnivorous birds eat, and more.

What is an Omnivore?

An omnivore is an animal that feeds on both plants and animals. Unlike herbivores that only eat plant matter and carnivores that solely feed on animal flesh, omnivores consume a mix of both.

Examples of omnivores include humans, bears, raccoons, and certain species of primates.

What do Omnivorous Birds Eat?

Birds are a diverse group of animals with different feeding habits, but some species are omnivorous. What omnivorous birds eat varies depending on their environment, habitat, and individual preferences.

For example, some birds may feed on fruits, nuts, seeds, insects, small mammals, and even carrion.

Birds are Omnivores

Yes, birds are omnivores, but not all species fall under this category. While some birds are strict herbivores or carnivores, others have adapted to consume a mix of plant and animal-based foods.

Examples of omnivorous birds include some species of parrots, doves, pigeons, ducks, and songbirds.

Are Birds Omnivorous All Year Round?

Whether birds are omnivorous all year round depends on their habitat and seasonal changes.

For instance, birds that live in areas with harsh winters may struggle to find enough plant matter to feed on, and as a result, may shift their diet to include more animal-based foods.

Conversely, birds that live in tropical regions may have access to a wide range of plant-based foods throughout the year.

What to Feed Omnivorous Birds in the Garden and Backyard?

If you are interested in attracting omnivorous birds to your garden or backyard, you can offer them a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds, mealworms, suet, and even kitchen scraps such as cooked rice and vegetables.

However, it is important to research the specific dietary requirements of the bird species you wish to attract to ensure you are providing them with a balanced diet.

Are All Birds of Prey Omnivores?

Birds of prey are a group of carnivorous birds that hunt and feed on other animals.

Examples of birds of prey include eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons. While these birds are primarily carnivorous, some species may supplement their diet with plant matter, especially during the non-breeding season.

Is a Bird a Herbivore, Carnivore, or Omnivore?

As we have already established, birds are a diverse group of animals with different feeding habits.

While some birds are herbivores, feeding on plant matter, and others are carnivores, feeding solely on animal flesh, some are omnivores that consume a mix of plant and animal-based foods.

Some Common Omnivorous Bird Species

Bird SpeciesHabitat & RangeDiet
American CrowNorth AmericaOmnivorous, eats fruits, seeds, insects, small animals, carrion
Blue JayNorth AmericaOmnivorous, eats nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, small animals
Common RavenNorthern HemisphereOmnivorous, eats insects, fruits, berries, small animals, carrion
European StarlingEurope, Asia, North America, AustraliaOmnivorous, eats insects, fruits, berries, seeds, small animals
House SparrowNative to Europe, introduced worldwideOmnivorous, eats seeds, grains, insects, fruits, small animals
Northern CardinalEastern North America, Mexico, Central America, South AmericaOmnivorous, eats seeds, fruits, insects, small animals, spiders
Rock PigeonWorldwide, often found in urban areasOmnivorous, eats seeds, grains, insects, small animals
Wild TurkeyNative to North America, introduced in Europe, Asia, and OceaniaOmnivorous, eats nuts, seeds, fruits, insects, small animals, carrion, and occasionally snakes and lizards


Are any birds omnivores?

Yes, some bird species are omnivores and consume both plant and animal-based foods.

What are 3 omnivorous birds?

Examples of omnivorous birds include certain species of parrots, doves, pigeons, ducks, and songbirds.

Is a butterfly an omnivore?

No, butterflies are herbivores and feed solely on plant matter.

Are eagles omnivores?

While eagles are primarily carnivorous and feed on other animals, some species may supplement their diet with plant matter.

Are owls omnivores?

Owls are primarily carnivorous and hunt and feed on other animals. However, some species may consume plant matter, especially during the non-breeding season when food sources may be scarce.


Birds are omnivores, and some species have adapted to consume both plant and animal-based foods.

However, the specific feeding habits of a bird species may depend on factors such as habitat, environment, and seasonal changes.

If you are interested in attracting omnivorous birds to your garden or backyard, you can provide them with a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds, mealworms, suet, and kitchen scraps.

It is important to research the dietary requirements of the specific bird species you wish to attract to ensure you are providing them with a balanced diet.

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